08.08.2012 | Age: 12

Olympic Diary 25: Augustin Loves to Chew on Things

Augustin OLD has also been known to like stuffed animals.

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He once chewed up a stuffed crocodile. There were no reptiles at hand in London, so he started to chew on my Olympic mascot. And then he reached for my accreditation which really made me nervous. Without the accreditation, you can't do anything here in London. And I don't think I could get back in here with the rather unbelievable explanation that my accreditation was in the stomach of my horse ...

The secret masters of Greenwich Park are, by the way - even if my father thinks that's not true because of the hat he wears ... - the squirrels. They are very funny and always looking for food. They aren't shy at all - in fact they are very bold and into everything ...